Conquer your TEAS 7, Nursing School, NCLEX, FNP, CCRN and USMLE exams with Archer Review. We're committed to making your medical and nursing career dreams a successful reality.
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Join over 719,000 students who have trusted Archer Review in their TEAS 7, Nursing School, NCLEX, FNP, CCRN and USMLE exam preparation journey. For over a decade, we have been a leading provider of high-quality, affordable study tools designed to optimize learning and empower you to excel in your exams. Trust in Archer Review to be your stepping-stone towards clinical success.
Quality Education Made Affordable: Archer Review provides high-yield, budget-friendly exam preparation for TEAS 7, Nursing School, NCLEX, FNP, CCRN and USMLE.
Data-Driven Innovation: We constantly refine our resources based on student feedback and exam performance, ensuring you get the most effective study tools.
Empowering Future Medical Professionals: Archer Review equips students with the skills and knowledge to excel in their careers, for a positive impact in healthcare.
Our Archer Review team works hard each and every day to deliver top-quality test preparation and tutoring services to students. Thank you to the organizations below for recognizing our commitment to excellence and affordability.
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279.79% Compound Growth Rate
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5,771% Growth Rate
Second consecutive year on the list
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Hear firsthand from those who've transformed their dreams into reality with Archer Review.
Archer was set up just like the Nclex. The rationales were very helpful! Took my Nclex for my LPN and it shut off at 85 and I passed! Will be using archer again when I go for my RN
The 6 week study plan really prepared me for my NCLEX and made me comfortable with answering different types of questions. I loved watching the videos on my own time and doing the worksheets along with them. I was nervous about the NCLEX at first, but the Archer tutors were very encouraging and I gained confidence after each video lecture.
I found the NCLEX easy in comparison to the practice exams. I felt very well prepared. Shut off at 85 questions :)
Archer was the best choice I’ve ever made! I absolutely loved the hands on instruction, and Archer was 100% responsible for helping me pass on the first try taking the NLCEX-RN!! Thank you Archer Team!
Archer Review is amazing! I only used it for a month and aced the NCLEX on my first attempt. I participated in the three-day live reviews, completed lots of practice lots of questions, and went through their rationales. I took only two consecutive readiness assessments and one CAT test, and I scored very high on all of them. Consistency is key—practice makes perfect!
Archer was set up just like the Nclex. The rationales were very helpful! Took my Nclex for my LPN and it shut off at 85 and I passed! Will be using archer again when I go for my RN
The 6 week study plan really prepared me for my NCLEX and made me comfortable with answering different types of questions. I loved watching the videos on my own time and doing the worksheets along with them. I was nervous about the NCLEX at first, but the Archer tutors were very encouraging and I gained confidence after each video lecture.
I found the NCLEX easy in comparison to the practice exams. I felt very well prepared. Shut off at 85 questions :)
Archer was the best choice I’ve ever made! I absolutely loved the hands on instruction, and Archer was 100% responsible for helping me pass on the first try taking the NLCEX-RN!! Thank you Archer Team!
Archer Review is amazing! I only used it for a month and aced the NCLEX on my first attempt. I participated in the three-day live reviews, completed lots of practice lots of questions, and went through their rationales. I took only two consecutive readiness assessments and one CAT test, and I scored very high on all of them. Consistency is key—practice makes perfect!
I found using archer for NCLEX prep was extremely helpful for me, especially as a visual learner! The lectures were concise and easy to follow and the webinars added an extra opportunity to gain understanding.
I really found Archer helpful as I studied for my NCLEX. I liked having a study plan to follow with corresponding lectures and assigned quizzes. The lecture content felt like a comprehensive review of what I had learned throughout nursing school and it matched what was actually on the NCLEX. I feel that the questions were noticeably easier than the NCLEX questions, but even so I passed in 85.
I passed my NCLEX at 107 questions. Thank you archer for helping me with my studies. Archer showed me how to read the question and understand how to interpret what they are asking. They're readiness assessments are identical to the NCLEX.
I highly recommend Archer for NCLEX prep. The NCLEX was much easier for me because I used Archer.
Hello! I am delighted to share the news I have received today, my exam day was Feb 20th and it was a hell of a wait until today when I received my license number on the nurse portal. My sleepless or few hours of sleep paid off just to get on live review! I highly recommend getting on to live review as much as possible. It is so engaging and interacting with the staff and fellow students... It really helps me a lot as I am not a reader, I rely on explanations and interactions and this is where I got it. Thank you Archer!!!
I found using archer for NCLEX prep was extremely helpful for me, especially as a visual learner! The lectures were concise and easy to follow and the webinars added an extra opportunity to gain understanding.
I really found Archer helpful as I studied for my NCLEX. I liked having a study plan to follow with corresponding lectures and assigned quizzes. The lecture content felt like a comprehensive review of what I had learned throughout nursing school and it matched what was actually on the NCLEX. I feel that the questions were noticeably easier than the NCLEX questions, but even so I passed in 85.
I passed my NCLEX at 107 questions. Thank you archer for helping me with my studies. Archer showed me how to read the question and understand how to interpret what they are asking. They're readiness assessments are identical to the NCLEX.
I highly recommend Archer for NCLEX prep. The NCLEX was much easier for me because I used Archer.
Hello! I am delighted to share the news I have received today, my exam day was Feb 20th and it was a hell of a wait until today when I received my license number on the nurse portal. My sleepless or few hours of sleep paid off just to get on live review! I highly recommend getting on to live review as much as possible. It is so engaging and interacting with the staff and fellow students... It really helps me a lot as I am not a reader, I rely on explanations and interactions and this is where I got it. Thank you Archer!!!
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Master your nursing and medical exams anytime, anywhere with Archer Review's mobile apps. Personalized TEAS 7, Nursing School, NCLEX, FNP, CCRN and USMLE prep at your fingertips.
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