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  • How To Prepare for A Nursing Internship: Tips and Resources

How To Prepare for A Nursing Internship: Tips and Resources

Completing a nursing internship is an excellent way to gain hands-on experience and prepare yourself for the field's challenges. Nursing internships allow you to work alongside experienced healthcare professionals, learn about the various aspects of patient care, and develop the skills necessary to succeed as a nurse.

However, preparing for a nursing internship can be intimidating, especially if you're unsure what to expect. To help you obtain the most out of this valuable experience, we've compiled a list of tips and resources to guide you through the process. From researching potential internships to networking with professionals in the field, we've got you covered. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to a successful nursing internship and a fulfilling healthcare career.

Tips to get ready for your nursing internship:

  1. Research the facility:

    Understanding the culture and values of the organization will help you align your goals and expectations with those of the facility. Start by browsing the facility's website to learn more about its mission, vision, and core values. You can also research the facility's recent news or events to understand its priorities and initiatives. Additionally, check if the facility has any social media pages to follow to stay up-to-date with its activities.

    Furthermore, researching the facility can also help you understand the types of patients and conditions you will likely encounter during your internship. You can find out if the facility specializes in a particular area of nursing, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, or critical care. This information can help you mentally and emotionally prepare for your internship's demands.

    If possible, contact current or former nursing interns at the facility to gain their insights and advice on what to expect during your internship. By doing so, you can better understand the challenges and opportunities of working in that particular environment.
  2. Brush Up Your Skills:

    During your nursing internship, you'll be able to test your knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. This can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially if you feel like you could use a bit more practice. To maximize your internship experience, brushing up on your skills before you start is essential.

    One way to do this is to review your nursing textbooks and notes from previous classes. Refresh your memory on anatomy and physiology, common medical conditions, and nursing interventions. You can also practice basic nursing skills, such as taking vital signs, administering medications, and performing basic assessments.

    If you have access to a simulation lab or other nursing resources, use these to practice your capabilities in a safe and controlled environment. The more confident you feel in your capabilities, the more you can contribute to your internship and learn from the experience.
  3. Get Organized:

    Getting organized is another crucial step to take before starting your nursing internship. This means setting up a system that lets you stay on top of your schedule, assignments, and other responsibilities. One way to execute this is by utilizing a planner or calendar to map out your plan and deadlines. Depending on your preference, it can be a physical or digital planner. In addition, ensure to include important dates, such as orientation, meetings with your preceptor, and deadlines for assignments or evaluations.

    Creating a system for organizing your notes and study materials is also essential. This can be as simple as keeping a binder or folder for each rotation or using an online note-taking tool like Evernote. Whatever system you choose, make sure it's easily accessible and user-friendly.

    Being organized will not only help you stay on top of your tasks, but it will also reduce stress and increase your confidence as you navigate your internship.
  4. Take Care Of Yourself:

    As important as preparing yourself mentally and professionally for a nursing internship, taking care of your physical and emotional health is equally crucial. Nursing internships can be physically and emotionally demanding, and it is vital to ensure you take care of yourself to perform at your best.

    Ensure you sleep well, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Being well-rested and well-fed will help you stay alert and focused during your internship. Additionally, exercise can be a great way to relieve stress and keep your body in good condition. Even if you only have a handful of minutes daily, try doing simple exercises or stretching.

    Additionally, be mindful of your mental health. Internships can be stressful and emotionally taxing, and taking care of yourself is essential. Engage in things that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Make sure you set aside time to recharge and relax and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if you feel overwhelmed.
  5. Develop Your Communication Skills:

    Effective communication is critical in any healthcare setting. As a nursing intern, you must regularly communicate with patients, families, healthcare professionals, and other staff members. Developing your communication skills is, therefore, crucial.

    During your nursing internship, you must effectively communicate patient information, treatment plans, and medical history with other healthcare team members. You must also have excellent listening skills to effectively respond to patient needs and concerns. Learning to communicate effectively takes time and practice, so it's essential to start developing these skills as early as possible.

    To develop your communication skills, observe experienced nurses and how they interact with patients and other healthcare professionals. Try to emulate their tone and approach, and take note of their listening skills. You can also practice your communication skills with peers and friends by role-playing different scenarios.

Some resources to help you prepare for your nursing internship:

  • National Student Nurses Association: The NSNA provides resources and support for nursing students, including information about internships and other opportunities.
  • American Nurses Association: The ANA offers a variety of resources and information for nurses, including details about nursing internships.
  • Your nursing program: Remember to reach out to your instructors or mentors for guidance and support during your internship.


In conclusion, preparing for a nursing internship can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By taking the time to research the facility, brush up on your skills, get organized, take care of yourself, and seek out support, you can feel more prepared and confident during your internship. Remember to maximize this opportunity and learn as much as possible from your experiences. Good luck!